ARTITUDES: Art, Brain Science, & Business Research for Creativity
1500 CEO's in a global study identified creativity as the #1 critical skill needed for the future. We talk about creativity and innovation, but we really don't understand how to cultivate it. This workshop discusses creativity and innovation, the brain science behind it, and how it relates to business results. Participants will have the chance to do a whole brain assessment through a variety of exercises.
We will also explore the 4 things that interfere with creativity with a short exercise.
Finally we will do some brain stretching exercises to kick start your journey to whole brain thinking for creativity skills.
This is a highly interactive workshop. Please bring paper, pens, and markers.
Why should you attend: This interactive presentation and workshop is for HR professionals who want to start developing creativity skills and whole brain thinking in their organizations.
Areas Covered in the Session:
- Video-Why Art is Business Critical
- Brain Science: Assess your whole brain thinking (assessment and exercises)
- The four cages of context - derailers of creativity and innovation
- How life models help and hurt your creativity (with an exercise)
- Learn to build whole brain thinking through purposeful activities
- Learn how to implement creativity building in your programs/workshops
Who Will Benefit:
- Chief Human Resource Officers
- HR Leaders
- HR Directors and Managers
- Employment Managers
- Training Directors
- Executive Team Members